Many people ask where the name Graber Gun came and from; years of an entrepreneur selling Primers and ammunition at gun shows for cheap prices developed a repeat customer base. During one of these shows, a West Texas customer drawled, “You sell your stuff Graber Gun!”. As the years passed, this customer’s comment remained on the mind of the entrepreneur who had a vision of expanding the business through direct mail to reach more customers. His vision turned into reality in 1993 as the direct mail company was formed and needed a name; the entrepreneur recalled the comment by the West Texas customer and thought this would be a great name for the company.
Graber Gun! was born in 1993 and published its first catalog in 2002 filled with shooting and outdoor gear. The age of internet shopping arrived in 1999 and Graber Gun was the first company in the industry to jump on the band wagon and developed an online shopping website. Yes, it was not what it is today, but it did allow customers to shop at their convenience and minimized the need for calling and placing their order with a telephone sales representative. As the business continued to grow and expand, this small mail order company grew into a top internet retailer selling products that appealed to shooting and outdoor enthusiast.
Today, Graber Gun employs many energetic team members in their Texas location. The team has a unified goal in mind, to provide excellent service to our customers and the products they need and want at the best price available.
Why shop at Graber Gun? Our industry experts will assist you with all your questions, competitive market pricing, super fast shipping and excellent customer service. Graber Gun is a household name through extensive marketing efforts; mailing millions of catalogs annually and receiving millions of visitors a month to our website. The breadth of products offered expands over many categories with hundreds of thousands of products in stock and ready to ship immediately.
Graber Gun! America’s Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter is more than just an online retailer; the website is a place for enthusiast to discuss current events, products, and more. The shared information and knowledgeable staff allows first time buyers to make educated buying decisions. Our expertise is in our knowledge of the market, quick reaction time to market changes, fast shipping and excellent service.